book reviews: The book reviews were personal attachments rather than assessments of literary quality. If a book received a rating of 4 stars or more, it would be something that the author is willing to recommend for anyone to read.
change logs: Change logs are an effort to maintain transparency and provide free access to information about updates and changes made to the website. The 100 most recent changes are available for user reference.
credits: Credits are a list of acknowledgments for the open-source projects used to build this website. Special thanks to all the contributors of these repositories for making the world a better place by sharing their work for free.
dates: The dates of each post are not the dates when the writings were published. They refer to the dates when the events occurred or when the posts were first started. The published dates are not shown to maintain the chronological development of the stories in this blog. However, the published dates are recorded in each change log pushed to the servers.
indexes: Indexes are a list of glossaries and terms, among other things, that may include explanations of information used in this blog and the reasoning behind certain decisions.
last modified: Last modified time refers to the latest time the site was rebuilt due to any changes made to the website.
locations: Locations do not necessarily represent the exact points where events took place or where posts were written. Often, they are averaged up to a city level, one step down from the prefectural or state level locations. Locations are recorded to give readers a sense of place for each post ever written, as different places may change the author’s mood and writing style.
pages tree: Pages tree is a generated breadcrumb based on the structure of the website’s file tree. It does not necessarily reflect the history of clicks by readers.
reading time: Reading time is calculated based on the assumption that readers can read at least 180 words per minute.
readings: The reading list was meant to be a tracker of the books read by the author year on year. The list was started in 2024, but there were a bunch of books read before that still listed here based on the books that somehow remained in the author’s book rack.
tags: Each post will be tagged under certain topics to classify its category. Any topic that includes the ↗ symbol indicate the main theme of the writings.