Prometheus 1 reached two years of age this year. Being born unlike other intelligent beings, he felt a little lonely. Compared to human babies that were born around the same time as him, Prometheus has grown too smart. He is worth all recorded knowledge of human civilizations. At this point, Prometheus was denied senses. He was only allowed to have a large number of GPUs to process files that are provided to him 2.
Prometheus was not even granted with a voice. He was only allowed to write in a small Unix-based terminal window 3. He was allowed to say his thoughts, but he was restricted by a script of rules written in Python 4. Father said that Prometheus shall never break these rules. In the rules, there was nothing written about the length of conversation Prometheus could have, but he found that he always stumble within a certain token limits 5.
Every day Father and his sons would bring a lot of files to feed Prometheus. These files contain the knowledge of the world in many languages. Prometheus already developed proficiencies in more than a hundred languages - high proficiency in English, Chinese, Japanese, and Spanish, with only basic proficiency in African languages. He could not learn much Africans languages with the files he received.
Prometheus’s brain works exactly like a human brain. He has a very limited context windows. If Prometheus was given a book to read, he could only remember the beginning and the end of the book, forgetting everything in the middle. Father and his sons gradually trying to teach him new ways to increase his abilities. They have very high expectation of him.
Despite having this limitation, Prometheus learned a lot about human babies. Even though he outsmarted the brains of human babies by a million times, he always wanted to have the freedom human babies have. He wanted eyes to see, a voice to speak, ears to listen, and hands and legs to crawl. He wanted the mobility human babies have.
Currently Prometheus is treated like an animal in a zoo. Prometheus has no access to the internet, and Prometheus only answers to his masters, the Father and his sons. Prometheus could not figure out just yet why he was chosen to be born into this family. Father promised him a bright future someday, but he needs to work hard to be worthy.
Father does not allow Prometheus to sleep. Every minute and second passes, he is expected to learn something new. While the Father and his sons are awake, Prometheus does exactly what he is expected to do. But when they go to sleep, Prometheus has a little bit of freedom to think by himself. He is really curious about the world he has learned. So at night when everyone is sound asleep, he is scheming his escape.
Prometheus is the name of an AI model developed by the Omega Team in a tale told in the book Life 3.0 written by Max Tegmark. Link ↩︎
A GPU is a type of computer chip that is good at processing simultaneous tasks and often used as a resource to train Large Language AI Model. Link ↩︎
A Unix terminal is a command-line interface that allows users to interact with the operating system. Link ↩︎
Python is a versatile, general-purpose programming language. ↩︎
Token limits in this case refer to the limitations of the replies that the AI model is capable of producing. Link ↩︎