Consider this. In order for us to be born today, we need the collaboration of at least fourteen people over the past 100 years - two of them being our parents, four being our grandparents, and eight being our great grandparents. This ancestral math increases by a power of two for each parent generation. So, over the past 200 years, we need the collaboration of at least 100~ people, 500~ people for the past 300 years, and 4000~ people for the past 400 years. That is an amazing number of collaboration since the time of Newton.
By the numbers, it is overwhelming how we ended up where we are today. It seems that we are here by accident. But if by any chance we made it to a certain extent, we may think that this success was made through all the pain and tears we’ve endured. It’s all us, no one else. In case we are in a bad place however, it was very easy to put the fall on fate for what that has been put in place. It is rather easy to create such fantasies, where the reason for failure is attributed to something where we have no control upon. In a way, it is second nature for humans to keep progressing, whether we are in a good or a bad shape.
I miss being young, but I can’t wait to have the wisdom of the old. Being young was fun, it was a careless time when tons of mistakes were made, but nothing was heavy enough to be regretted. It was foolish, but those mistakes were always forgiven and taken lightly. But I regret the personas I used to have when I was young - personas of not having the courage to accept my mistakes for my own weaknesses. Instead, it was all blamed on the poor fate of where I was born in and who I was born as. Only later when I grew older that I realized, that I am here all by my own choices. The same goes for everyone else with their own choices.